5 Keys to Activate Mountain Moving Faith

5 Keys to Activate Mountain Moving Faith

"Faith can move mountains."

Matthew 17:20


We are living in the most uncertain times, yet most exciting times!  How can that be you ask?  Because as a Christ follower, we have the keys to mountain moving faith!  The Bible says in Hebrews 4:12, "the word of God is alive and active..."  Yes, when we partner our faith with God's Living Word, what seems impossible can move into reality!  

Our mission at Hidden Truth is to equip and empower you with God's Truth!  The battle is real, so you must arm yourself with God's promises which leads to victory--everytime! 

Here are 5 keys to activate mountain moving faith and arm you for conquering each day with joy, peace & hope!

  1. You are L O V E D beyond measure.  At the foundation of your faith, you must know that your identity is loved by God.  When you know & believe you are loved by the One who created it all, who is in control of it all, and who has a plan for you He calls good, nothing you come up against can shake you.  Activate mountain moving faith by receiving the love of Jesus and responding back to him in love.  Go to him in prayer, sing to him in worship, and sit quietly with him meditating on his promises.
  2. D E L I G H T in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.  God created relationships with others for many reasons, one of which is enjoyment!  Activate your faith by enjoying your time with the Lord!  How wonderful it is to feel that joy from His presence!  How fulfilling it is to be overcome with His powerful peace when you trust him and let go!  How fun it is to experience "God encounters" and actually realize the Holy Spirit is speaking to you! Life with God is fun--and life with him is amazing!  Activate mountain moving faith by delighting in him and finding your heart's truest fulfillment!
  3. The Lord is your strength & S H I E L D; you are helped as you trust in him. Mountain moving faith is activated when you see God's shield of faith as a gifted weapon and you use it every time you feel bombarded with the enemy's attacks.  Feeling discouraged, lonely, helpless, frustrated?  Hold up the shield of faith by putting your heart and mind on God's faithful truth and standing firm in it.  Stand firm in His strength.  You will find new hope, new peace, new joy, new patience, and the help you need. Trust and believe!  It is a powerful weapon that won't run out!
  4. Be still before the Lord and wait P A T I E N T L Y for Him.  In our fast paced, instant gratification society, we have been programmed to hate waiting. But beautiful, strong, mountain moving faith is one that knows God's timing and purpose are perfect.  Those who hope (wait) on the Lord will renew their strength. And those who persevere will see the fulfillment of His promises. Activate your mountain moving faith by renewing your mind to God's viewpoint on waiting patiently....it has a great purpose and yields immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.  Take captive doubt, disbelief and fear and just trust that God loves you, has a plan and great purpose will be the fruit on the other side of your faithful obedience to wait!
  5. F A I T H can move mountains.  Faith is acting as something is so, even when its not so, so that it can become so, just because God said so!  Search the Bible for the promises that really empower your life right now.  Activate your faith by reading them daily, saying them outloud, praying them to God, reminding yourself of them when your thoughts seem to go south, and talking to a friend about them! God is faithful.  His Word will not return void--it will produce fruit every time you think upon it.  It is your daily bread and armor!  Use it! 

For more encouragement, check out this week's stories & posts on social media!  We will be talking more about each key and showing you necklace you can bind around your neck so you can activate that mountain moving faith!!




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