Refreshed and Renewed
Isaiah 40:31 says, "But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength"
Are you tired and worn out? Has this current season of life proved to be exhausting on all levels? Where are you turning for refreshment?
Friend, I have got a key for refreshment. It is found in the promise of Isaiah 40:31...hoping in the Lord. So what does that mean?
For me, when I hope in the Lord, I take time to reflect and remember what the Lord has done in my past....His provisions that never failed, His unending love I always felt, His answered prayers that were so timely, His whispers of guidance at just the right time...Yes, when I reflect on his faithfulness, my hope rises because I know that faithfulness is not only what He did, but who He is! And as I recount those promises fulfilled in my life, I know He's gonna do it again, and again, and again.
All of this reflecting leads to refreshment as I am once again reminded, I am not in control, but He is....and I can rest, be still and know that He is God and He will work it all out...for my I trust in Him.
And the beautiful fruit that grows from all of this is peace and strength.
So now it's your turn, take just a few moments right now to reflect on how good God has been. Know that He adores you as His beloved child, and you can count on Him to be with you always, and His love never fail.
Many blessings friend,
Owner & Designer, Hidden Truth Jewelry
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