The Amazing Gift of Eternal Life
Growing up in the church, I used to think: pray a prayer of salvation and then you will have eternal life–that’s the beginning and end of eternal security to go to heaven–“I’m safe” and not going to hell and will experience eternal life aka “not going to hell” one day.
This verse proves that those that have believed this (myself included) have been deceived–yes that prayer is the beginning–but it’s not those “magical words” of the sinner’s prayer–it’s the surrender in my heart and it is the DOOR to eternal life NOW!
Eternal life starts the moment you confess out loud Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart he is the only way. Eternal life is NOW because it begins the relationship with God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Evidence of eternal life is my relationship with them.
That’s why in Matthew 7:21-23 Jesus said, “Away from me…I never knew you…..” The people had done miraculous things in Jesus’ name, but they did it just using his name (it’s that powerful) but they had no true relationship with him.
To me, even though I have 1500 “friends” on Facebook, they are all not real friends…I don’t have relationship with them…I know of them but don’t see them all or talk to them on a regular basis. This is how my relationship was with Jesus was for a while….basically no relationship at all.
If you are reading this, I cannot stress enough to you….Please don’t just be a “Facebook” friend of Jesus…the true gift of eternal life is relationship with the Lord…a personal, mutual, you talk often and listen often to Jesus relationship. It brings you joy and Jesus actually leads you and you follow his guidance!!
Let me tell you a recent story (and miracle!) that happened as an example of my personal relationship with the Lord….Several weeks ago, a new customer reached out to me via the website.
She told me that she would like for me to create a custom necklace for her as she was told I pray over the necklaces and she really needed encouragement from the Lord. She picked out a design and asked me to pray and ask the Lord what verse to put on the back.
So I did…and the Holy Spirit quickly shared Jeremiah 31:3 to put on the back for her…”I am His beloved.” He told me that He wanted to remind her how much He loves her as that will constantly bring peace. So I shared this story with her, which brought her so much encouragement and comfort. I then asked this new customer if I could pray with her over the phone.
She of course agreed. She shared a very personal ongoing struggle that she and her husband had not been able to get pregnant for over 2 years. It was a very painful subject and she felt almost hopeless. So I was very honored to pray for her.
Before I prayed over her, I asked the Lord how He wanted me to pray for her. He quickly gave me instructions of exactly how to pray for this precious daughter of His. And that is exactly what I did. I prayed for her and also prayed the Lord would bless them with a child. Because of relationship with Jesus, I can talk to him anytime and he will respond!! It’s so amazing that the God of the universe actually wants to talk to me!
So fast forward 2 weeks and this precious new friend and customer sent me a text of a picture of a positive pregnancy test! YES! A true miracle of healing had occurred. God showered His great love on His beloved daughter.
It has now been over 6 weeks since this has happened and several doctors appointments later, this new friend continues to share with me how this precious miracle baby is growing perfectly!!
So our personal relationship IS the eternal life that is referenced in our theme verse….and not only does it bless us, but it also allows us to be a blessing to others!!
Be spurred on friends! Begin growing your relationship with the Lord today by reading His Word, talking to Him and taking the time to listen.
It may take a little time to hear Him as he speaks differently than the world, but trust me, He IS talking to you and SUPER excited to show you how much He loves you!
Hallelujah!!! All praise, honor and glory to our God!
xoxo ashley