You Are Priceless
“See what kind of love the Father has given us: We are called God’s children- and that is what we are!”
- 1 John 3:1 (ISV)
Beginning today, I want you to see yourself through My eyes. You, beloved, are so precious to Me that your value cannot even be determined! I would move heaven and earth for you because you are worth it to Me.
You are so special that I gave My only son, whom I loved oh so dearly, to ensure that you and I could be together for all of eternity. As hard as it was and as much as it hurt to watch My son on that cross, I would do it again because I love you that much.
When the enemy tries to plant feelings of worthlessness inside of you, remind him that your Father calls you His masterpiece. You are worth My very best. The one who determines the cost of something is the one who is willing to pay for it and I say you are worth it. Your value is not determined by anything other than who I say you are, and remember, My words never return void.
You are My treasure, worth more than you could even comprehend. You are a child of the One True King. Believe it, receive it, and bask in that truth. You’re absolutely priceless.
Much love,
The Hidden Truth Jewelry Team Devotional
written by Mellie Boozer