Your Identity in Christ is "Beloved"
"Keep me as the apple of your eye, hide me in the shadow of your wings."
Psalm 17:8
Growing up I tried to find my identity in so many, sports, friends, fashion, body image, the list goes on and on. After my parents divorce at age 8, I unknowingly began to believe the lie that God was distant, I needed to perform for His love, and he too might abandon or reject me one day. Even though I gave my life to Jesus at 12 years old, I still searched high and low to be truly loved from things of the world. It wasn't until I went to a bible study many years later that the blinders came off my eyes and I realized how precious I was to God.
The night I was prayed over at that Bible study, and the verse above was spoken over me changed everything. Yes, as the lady prayed this verse over me, I felt as if God himself was whispering into the depths of my heart that I was the apple of His eye. That night the lie I had been so deceived by, broke, and healing began as I realized that my identity above and beyond anything else was "Beloved." And this identity could never be lost, stolen, or changed.
How about you friend? What do you find comfort in identifying yourself in? Who do you say you are? If it is anything other than God's Beloved Daughter, I challenge you to spend time figuring out what lie is at the core of that message, and asking God to so gently whisper His truth of who you are to Him in your heart. I promise you He will tell you exactly what His Word says about you....more precious than jewels, fearfully and wonderfully made, worth dying for, shepherded tenderly, empowered by His Spirit....and so much more! Once you are grounded at the core of who you are in these truths, nothing can steal your joy...nothing can rob your hope...nothing can shift your faith...because you know that the One who holds the world in His hands also holds you tenderly in the palm of His hands and as the apple of His eye. Yes, you dear daughter of God are His beloved.
I am super excited to go on a journey to discover more of this identity with you in the coming months as I launch my first book on these beautiful truths! Stay tuned for the release date of "I Am Who You Say I Am."
Much love dear sister in Christ,
Owner & Designer, Hidden Truth Jewelry
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