Welcome #TruthCarrier!
We clothe women with God's Word! May you encounter His love, joy & peace every time you wear this jewelry and think on the transformative truth hidden on the back of each piece. Our 100% authentic gemstone and semiprecious stone cross necklaces, bracelets, and earrings are a tool for sharing God’s Love and every stunning piece has a surprise verse handwritten on the back.
Wear God's Word
& Feel His Peace, Strength & Joy
Let love and faithfulness never leave you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart. - Proverbs 3:3
Custom Jewelry Design
Do you have a verse that is special to you?
A certain color that brings you joy?
One of our gorgeous handcrafted crosses that you want to have personalized?
Truthcarriers, we are so excited to offer custom jewelry design!
That’s right! We want to work with you to create your perfect piece of Hidden Truth Jewelry.
Want to grow closer to God?
Grab your copy of our best selling
weekly devotional:
I Am Who You Say I Am
Meet Ashley Weston
We create jewelry that reminds you of you the peace you have in God when life’s worries want to win! Sometimes the stress of motherhood, womanhood, and life in general can make us forget how faithful Jesus really is.
I started Hidden Truth Jewelry to give you a tool to be reminded of who God is, and how powerful you are in Him. Thank you so much for shopping today. I hope you find so much encouragement from looking at all of the necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and key chains.
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